Seven Budget Tips for School Supply Shopping

School back pack filled with school supplies

1. Review the school supply list

Most schools will provide a recommended school supplies list. Obtain a copy of this list early to see what you already have versus what is still needed to purchase to cut down on extra spending and plan ahead accordingly.

2. Create a school budget

Once all the school supplies needs are clear, it is time to make a budget. Not only should items for the school supply list be accounted for, but also items like seasonal clothing and shoes, backpacks and lunchboxes, electronics, and special equipment for after school activities such as sports, music etc. Review the entire school year to ensure a comprehensive budget is developed to cover all the expenses that might occur over the year. Involve your children in this process of determining how much to spend on various items. This is a great way to help teach children how far money goes in relation to their wants and needs and to begin learning valuable money-managing skills.

3. Take inventory of current school supplies

Is there left over or re-usable school supplies around the house from previous school years? If so, set aside time to figure out what you already have versus truly need. The best way to save may be not to spend at all so check around their house before school shopping. Determine what is still usable for another school year versus what needs to be sold, donated or discarded.

4. Shop & sell secondhand

Take any outgrown or no longer needed, gently used items to a local consignment store to sell. Then use any money made toward this year’s school purchases. While selling your items you can also look at the consignment shop for affordable gently used school supplies and clothing to add to this year’s wardrobe. For those that have high school or college students, consider purchasing used textbooks when possible as well as sell any previous years’ textbooks that are no longer needed.

5. Shop after school starts

Skip the August shopping rush by having kids use what they already have for the first few weeks of school. It is likely to still be warm outside when school starts, so they can get away with wearing summer clothes. Waiting to shop will give kids a chance to see what’s really in style and what to wear this year and if any additional supplies are really necessary. By waiting a few weeks until after school starts, you will also be able to take advantage of Labor Day sales as well as back-to-school clearance deals.

6. Look for bargains, use coupons & leverage student discounts

Local brick and mortar retailers will often have in-store only promotions that can be taken advantage of. Check your mailboxes for weekly coupons and store websites for printable or downloadable coupons. Whether shopping online or in store, buy in bulk to reap the benefits of additional savings and prepare for future school supplies needs. Utilize student discounts whenever possible, particularly when considering purchasing expensive items (computers, tablets, printers etc.); here’s a great example of a helpful student discount guide from

7. BONUS TIP: Shop Local

Go the extra mile and take this upcoming back-to-school-season as an opportunity to connect with local business in and around the communities we serve, i.e. West De Moines, Huxley, and Cambridge. We encourage you to shop local for all their back-to-school needs.